January 29, 2009

Socialism Primer : Income Taxation

After listening to Senator202px-Nancy_Pelosi[1] Nancy Pelosi  and Congressman Harry Reid   and   after the November election AND  after the House Stimulus Hose vote I began making sure I know what socialism is . . . so . . . join me on my journey.

There was so much talk about the greedy rich and that they need to be taxed more so . . . I decided to start with income taxation.

 DAVOS/SWITZERLAND, 24JAN08 - Bono, Musician, D...Income taxation is a fine on income. Increasing that fine is likely to cause aversive conditioning and result in changed behavior. Sample result: Bono and U2 moved their financial affairs to the Netherlands in 2006 after the Irish government changed the tax code in a way that would have cost Bono and his bandmates huge amounts of money. That is, the band responded to an increase in the fine on their income by removing their income from the taxing authority's jurisdiction. If someone like Bono, who is famous for complaining that governments should spend more tax money helping the poor, prefers to spend his money as he chooses rather than have it taken by politicians under threat of force, then how likely is it that other high earners are unaffected by attempts to confiscate more of their income?  

Government-provided welfare payments, be it to the poor or the rich, are rewards for non-productivity and constraints for production and resources. Use tax dollars to subsidize a corporation's foreign advertising or anything else it does, and the pressure for efficient operation is reduced. Pay unemployed single mothers to stay home, and you not only encourage them to not find jobs but – if the mothers must remain single to qualify for the "free" money – you also ensure that millions of children will grow up with unmarried parents and, in many cases, without their fathers, as has happened in the United States


Read more at Glen Allport's 'Strike the Root' blog.

Complete List of Poor Nations That Have Adopted Socialist Governments and Then Become Prosperous

It is unwise to be too sure of one's own wisdom. It is healthy to be reminded that the strongest might weaken and the wisest might err.

Mahatma Gandhi

Source: http://quotes4all.net/quote_1068.html

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January 27, 2009

From Soup to Nuts

Miller-Urey experiment (1953).

Image via Wikipedia

Most of you may be familiar with a proof given for the evolution of life which goes like this . . . lighting, primordial atmospheric gases, lightning, heat, water, etc. finally producing  living organisms and eventually man.  Therefore the title.

An experiment by Miller-Urey set out to prove just that.  Hence the name: Miller-Urey Experiment.  However, problems have been found with the value of this experiment in proving the evolutionary advent of life.  So new versions of the Miller-Urey experiment have arisen. However, are these problems for proving the evolutionary origin of life resolved simply by tweaking the Miller-Urey experiment?   

Here is an episode from Intelligent Design The Future which may shed some light on the dilemma.  Hint: Be sure to refresh your understanding of 'reduction' . Click this link to check it out:
Rehabilitating the Miller-Urey Experiment?


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